Happy Tuesday! Here are today’s “Random Thoughts”…

According to the website put together by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, as of Monday afternoon at 3 pm there are 32,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of Michigan. That number jumped up by 576 in 24 hours.
Here in West Michigan, there are 550 confirmed cases in Kent County (up by 47), 149 in Muskegon (up by 6), 119 in Ottawa (up by 12), 42 in Allegan (up by 1), 26 in Barry County (up by 1), 26 in Montcalm (up by 2), 23 in Ionia County (down by 1), and seven in Newaygo County (no change).
We have had a total of 2,468 deaths in our state due to COVID-19 (an increase of 78). We have had 24 deaths in Kent County (down by 1), seven in Muskegon County (up by 1), seven deaths in Ottawa County (up by 2), two deaths in Ionia County (no change), one death in Barry County (no change), and one death in Montcalm County (no change).
It was interesting that a few of the numbers actually went down. They must have had to make a few corrections in the numbers.
They are now also giving us the Cumulative Total of Recovered COVID-19 Cases. They will update this number every Saturday. As of April 18th, 3,237 have recovered from the virus.
There are now more than 2.4 million confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide, with more than 170,000 deaths. In the U.S., there are more than 787,700 confirmed cases and more than 42,000 deaths.
Stay Home, Wash Your Hands, and Social Distance Yourself! Please stay healthy.
So just where does the Coronavirus (COVID-19) lurk? There have been so many theories. The New York Times has tried to straighten out a few big sources of confusion…
Should I change my clothes or shower after grocery shopping? No, particles in the air are unlikely to deposit on your clothes. But you should absolutely wash your hands.
Could the virus be in my hair or beard? The string of events for that to cause infection makes it really unlikely. You’d have to have been in close contact with someone, they would have had to have gotten it onto your hair in a large quantity, and then you’d have to touch exactly that spot and then your mouth or nose shortly afterward.
Can I get the virus doing laundry? If nobody in your house is sick, it’s very unlikely enough particles could survive on fabric to get you sick. But take extra precaution if you do have a sick person at home.
What about the mail, packages and the newspaper? It’s smart to dispose of packaging and envelopes right away, and to wash your hands, but there are no documented cases of someone getting COVID-19 from the mail.
While are are all staying at home, Mother Nature keeps sending blows to our attitudes.
I DID NOT like waking up and seeing a dusting of snow everywhere. It’s April 21st…enough with the white stuff already!
The average high temperature for the day is 61 degrees. Our forecast for today calls for a high temp around 40. Mother Nature, where are my other 21 degrees?
If you ever watched “Green Acres”, you were familiar with the character of Eb Dawson. He appeared in almost every episode from 1965–71. Actor Thomas William Lester, an American actor and evangelist passed away at the age of 81. He died of complications from Parkinson’s Disease on Monday, April 20, 2020 in the Nashville, TN home of his fiancée and long-term caregiver Jackie Peters.
Lester also appeared in two feature films, “Gordy” and “Benji.” He was the last surviving regular cast member of “Green Acres”.
Typically dogs and cats do not get along very well. They will tolerate each other at best.
Here is a video of two that appear to be Best Friends…
Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday. I will be on the air today — local and live — from 3-7 pm on 98.7 WFGR. At 4:30 pm, I’ll have your next chance to win $1,000 Social Distance Dollars and also get registered to win the Grand Prize of $10,000! Listen for details.
If you have any comments on the above stories, please leave your remarks below…