“Random Thoughts” for Wednesday, July 15th 2020
We’ve made it to the middle of the week and are almost midway through the month of July. How did that happen? Here are my “Random Thoughts” for Wednesday…

Originally due on April 15th, the deadline for your Federal and State Income Tax for 2019 was extended due to the coronavirus. The new due date is July 15th. That’s today! That means you have until midnight to get your taxes filed and submitted electronically or postmarked by the Post Office.
The Cities of Grand Rapids and Walker have extended their deadlines to July 31st, giving you a few more weeks to wrap up those taxes.
You can read more about the deadlines here.
You may remember the Schwandt family. They lived in Rockford and they made national headlines for having quite a few children. Jay and Kateri Schwandt have 14 kids…and they are all boys! They were featured on the Lifetime Network back in 2018 and now they are getting a TV show of their own.
The Schwandt family has since moved from Rockford to a farm in Lakeview, and are now getting their show. It will be called 14 Outdoorsmen and will be featured on MyOutdoorTV.
Oh by the way, it has been announced that Kateri is now pregnant with her 15th baby! Will it be another boy?
Read more about the Schwandt family and their new TV show here.
There are many things that we use, or see, every day that we have no idea what they are called. Most of those things actually have names, although we have never learned those names.
I found an interesting list the other day with a bunch of these items and their names. I thought I’d share some of these things over the next couple of weeks here in my “Random Thoughts”
Here is today’s question: Do you know what that space between your eyebrows is called? (No, monobrow is not the answer!)
I’ll have the answer below at the end of this blog…
Today is Pet Fire Safety Day!
This is something we usually don’t think about. We always talk about getting our family safely in case of a fire, but we forget to include our pets. Pet owners should take advantage of the day to discuss who in a home is responsible for helping a pet escape in the event of a blaze and carry out some practice escape drills.
On this date in 1993, the movie “There’s Something About Mary”, starring Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller, premiered in theaters.
I loved that movie!
Hey, is that hair get?
Find out what else has happened on July 15th.
Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! I will be on the air this afternoon — local and live — from 3-7 pm on 98.7 WFGR! I’ll talk to you then!
The answer to the question above: The smooth part of the forehead above and between the eyebrows. is called a glabella.
If you have any comments on the above stories, please leave your remarks below…
1 Comment
have to admit I did not know the name for between the eyebrows and googled it 🙂 glabella