It’s midweek! I didn’t like seeing that white stuff this morning, even though it didn’t last long. Here are some “Random Thoughts” for today…
It’s finally happened…there are now two confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Both cases are on the east side of the state.
More things are starting to be cancelled because of the coronavirus, including face-to-face classes at Michigan State University. In a statement from the MSU website: “On March 10, state officials announced the first confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in Michigan. On March 11, MSU learned of a probable case linked to our campus, which the Ingham County Health Department is currently investigating and monitoring. Effective at noon March 11, MSU is suspending face-to-face instruction in classroom settings and moving to virtual instruction. We are continuing to work with faculty and staff on laboratory and performance classes, and the university will provide additional guidance. This suspension of in-person classes will last until April 20. “
Big conventions and gatherings across the country are also being cancelled. Even game shows are being affected. As of yesterday (Tuesday), “Jeopardy!” and “Wheel of Fortune” will be recorded without live audiences because of the coronavirus. The move was made because the audiences for both shows are older and often come from out of town. Also “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek, who has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, has a compromised immune system.
Katie Couric is self-quarantining herself after spending time with Rick Cotton, the head of the New York Port Authority who’s been diagnosed with coronavirus. The journalist says she’ll be working from home “to be safe.” She saw Cotton, an old friend of hers, briefly on Saturday.
Also, Costco has temporarily suspended its free samples, due to coronavirus worries. And for a while you won’t be able to refill your own reusable cup at Starbucks.
Keep washing your hands! I’ve become even more of a germophobe. I wash my hands at just about every sink I go by. I DO NOT want to get sick with coronavirus or even the common cold.
I did see this on social media yesterday and thought it was funny…

Gas prices continue to fall.
It is so nice to see gasoline for under $2.00 a gallon.
In Cedar Springs the prices are about $1.93 per gallon, however I have seen posts on Facebook that some people are finding gas for under $1.90!
According to the map, it looks like you can get gas for $1.86 a gallon along the lakeshore from about Grand Haven to the South.
Fill up that tank. Now might also be a good time to fill up those gas cans for the lawnmower this summer.

This will be the weirdest story about a pig you hear all week…
In England recently a farm caught fire after a freak incident involving a pig and poop.
Firefighters responded to an 800-square-foot fire that had engulfed a pig pen on a farm in Leeds.
Investigators later determined that the blaze was caused by a pig! How did the pig start a fire? Well apparently the porker ate a battery-operated pedometer and then crapped it out. It’s believed that the copper in the battery reacted with the porker’s poop and combusted. Sparks ignited some hay, and the fire spread.
Fortunately, no pigs or humans were hurt in the blaze.
I did not realize this, but pedometers, which keep a count of footsteps, are worn by the pigs to prove that they are free range.
And there you have it…a swine arsonist!
Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! I will be on the air — local and live — from 3-7 pm this afternoon on 98.7 WFGR. Because it’s Wednesday, I’ll be playing many “One Hit Wonders” on my show today!
If you have any comments on the above stories, please leave your remarks below…