We are halfway to the weekend! Here are today’s “Random Thoughts”…
What an incredible amount of damage from this tornado. The video from Nashville shows so much damage.
I have a few friends that live down in that area. One is only about a block away from the path of the tornado. Everyone is OK. They don’t have power, but that is the least of their worries right now.
The death toll from this storm is now up to 24 people. Unfortunately that number could continue to climb as there are still 38 people missing.
The most incredible video I have seen is from a man who was up in a construction crane when the tornado rolled through the area.
He was trapped 375 feet up in the air in the little enclosure at the top of the crane where he operates the equipment. He didn’t have enough warning to climb down. It takes 15 minutes to climb down that ladder. I can’t imagine having to climb over 35 stories on a ladder to get to and from work every day. I complain when I have to take the stairs five stories at the radio station when the elevator isn’t working.
Here is the video the man took from the crane. The first part is when the tornado is rolling through and the man is fearing for his life. If you are watching at work, you may want to turn down the volume. It’s probably not safe language for the work place. The second half of the video is after the storm has passed.
I definitely would have needed to change my underwear.
The tornado was classified as an EF-3 tornado with winds up to 165 mph. This man was incredibly lucky that the tornado wasn’t closer to him. Even being a few blocks away the winds were probably pretty intense. The crane was built to withstand winds of 115 mph
My thoughts and prayers for all those in that area that are dealing with the aftermath of the storm.
When will I learn my lesson and stop ordering from Amazon?
Once again I ordered from them and I am having delivery issues.
I placed the order on Sunday evening for a product for the house that I couldn’t find locally. I paid for quick delivery. It was scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday.
I kept an eye on the tracking progress and at about 11:45 yesterday I saw that my package delivery was next! I anxiously waited. The tracking map showed the delivery vehicle was only a few blocks away. My package would be here in no time…OR NOT!
About 12:45 pm, I get a notice from Amazon that they couldn’t delivery my package because: “Carrier is unable to gain access to front door to deliver the package.” What?
I don’t live in a gated community. All you have to do it drive up my driveway and it takes you right to my front door.
I had gone out to the mailbox about 11 am and picked up my mail. When I left to go to the radio station shortly after 1 pm, there were no new tire tracks in my driveway. I don’t think the Amazon delivery person was even at my house.
This is not the first time this has happened with Amazon deliveries. It seems to be the norm that my packages either don’t show up, or the tracking information says they are delivered — but not at my house.
FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service can all find my house without any problem. Why does Amazon have such an issue? Perhaps they need to buy a GPS! It would take them right to my front door! (which seems to be the issue!)
So I wait… I’ll let you know when my package finally arrives. I’m considering myself lucky if I see it before the weekend.

I’m still amazed at the huge numbers of people that have this illness…almost 95,000 people worldwide. In the U.S. there have been 128 confirmed cases.
King County, Washington, near Seattle, seems to be the area hardest hit here in the United States. They have 22 confirmed cases, with 8 deaths, 13 people currently have it, with one recovered.
John Hopkins University has put together a great map tracking the coronavirus. You can find the interactive map here.
Wash your hands and stay healthy.
It’s another dad-type joke from the website NiceOneDad.com.
Did you hear about the guy who invented the Knock, knock joke?
He won the “no bell” prize!
Have a GREAT Wednesday. I will be on the air — local and live — from 3-7 pm on 98.7 WFGR. It’s “one hit wonder” Wednesday. I’ll be playing some of the great one hit wonders of our time. I also have more things to give away…including passes for tubing at Cannonsburg Ski Area AND tickets to go off to the West Michigan Home and Garden Show this weekend.
If you have any comments on the above stories, please leave your remarks below…