“Random Thoughts” for Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020
Wow, it’s been awhile! I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to just sit down and write out my thoughts here on the blog. I’m glad to be back. I miss it when I don’t get a chance to do this every day or two. Here are my “Random Thoughts” for Wednesday…
Today, September 2nd, is the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The Greatest Generation Day Committee, along with the help of the Gerald Ford Museum, are putting together a flyover to commemorate this date in history.
The B-17 Flying Fortress, which was one of the bombers that was used in the war, will take off from the Yankee Air Museum in Belleville this afternoon. Along with the bomber will be the paratrooper famous C-47 and the B-25.

Their flight path takes them over our state’s capitol in Lansing as they make their way to Grand Rapids. The timeline has them reaching the Grand River in Grand Rapids about 6:00 pm. They will make three passes along the river. They will also be flying over the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans and the Grand Rapids Veterans Outpatient Clinic.(All times are approximate, weather may cause changes in time and flight plan.)
Read more about the activities for today’s remembrance here.
At 2:30 pm today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer will give having a news conference to discuss the coronavirus and how our state is doing.
Many are hoping that this means she might finally open gyms, movie theaters, and bowling alleys once again. They have all been closed since March. The Detroit Free Press was reporting that the re-opening of these types of businesses could happen just after Labor Day.
I’ll be tuned in to find out what she has to say.
The Michigan Department of Transportation is planning some big improvements to the Ford Freeway (I-196) between the East Beltline and US-131 for the 2021 construction season.
My traffic friend Kevin Richards sums is up…
A virtual meeting to roll out details, detours, and schedule will be from 4-5 pm today (Wednesday, September. 2nd). To attend, go to https://www.michigan.gov/mdot/0,4616,7-151-9620_11057-537238–,00.html to look over the summary, and click on the link under “Where” to connect on Microsoft Teams using the Conference ID shown there. Or you can dial in using your phone by calling (248) 509-0316.
We may live in Michigan, but just how “Michigan” are we? Now we can find out!
The little quiz has been on social media a lot the last couple of days. By answering 20 questions you can find out just how “Michigan” you really are…
Some of the questions are things like have you…
- Crossed the Mackinac Bridge
- Played euchre
- Tried at least six flavors of Faygo
- Rode a bicycle around Mackinac Island
- Went to a U of M vs. MSU football game
- Pointed to your hand to show someone where you live
- Swam in Lake Michigan
- Found a Petoskey stone
- Used Vernors as medicine
To take the quiz, click here.
I scored 19 out of 20. The only thing I haven’t done is gone to a U of M vs. MSU football game. I guess I need to add that to my bucket list…but not this year.
Today is Blueberry Popsicle Day.
I love popsicles and I love blueberries. I didn’t even know these were a thing. Where can I find one?!
On this date in 1969, the very first ATM opened at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, NY.
If I had just a penny for every time I’ve used an ATM over the years!
Find out what else has happened on September 2nd.
I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! I will be on the air this afternoon — local and live — from 3-7 pm on 98.7 WFGR! Please join me!
If you have any comments on the above stories, please leave your remarks below…